Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2.0 in 2010

As I approach year two of my relationship with him I cannot really say that I know much more about love, but I have been learning about trust. Time spent with him is treasured deeply because nearly each time we are together I realize how much I need other people in my life for guidance and support. He is one of those treasured people in my life who decided to take time out of his life to ensure that I am happy, fulfilled, and healthy. It may be strange and unwise, but I am not always willing to let people love me in these ways and I often reject guidance and support. I turn them down for fear that I am giving in, that I am weak, and sometimes because I believe I don't have time for it...for them.

For him I fell, I want to be weak, and most times I feel there's not enough time in the world to dedicate to our relationship. I hope and pray for many more years of learning to receive and give love. I pray in the days to come that he sees evidence of my love for him.

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