Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Hello, ello, anybody out there?"

So, I've moved in to the anticipated metro apartment, I've got most of my material belongings neatly tucked away in the spacious walk-in closet, I'm typing tonight via the trendy little internet cafe near my apartment. Life is good, but I still have my uncertainties.

I trust that this is where I am supposed to be and what I am meant to do, still I make time to dream of what life would be like if I took more chances. For starters, it'd be nice if I could have joined my amigas who are currently journeying westward on a road trip. Now THAT's life!

So that I am not misunderstood I should share that these next two years are sure to offer up plenty of opportunities to live, grow, and otherwise thrive. However, right now I am in waiting. Not for long though, because tomorrow brings my first day of work with this organization.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bum-bum-bum, bum-bumblebee hallow!

Senior coffeehouse, very entertaining. I was delightfully surprised at the true talent of some of my peers. The original compositions, dance moves, improv acts, and tributes to mother highlighted the unique creative abilities that sometimes I miss in my own friends and neighbors. I thank God for the beauty of his kingdom, and I thank God for the chance to (every now and then) become blessed with a similar creative spark.

That reminds me, I haven't been sketching or writing often enough. It's part of me that I've missed and intend to cultivate again, lest I lose all ability.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Release the brakes!

Today I did something I never guessed I would in a million years. That's right, I saddled up a horse (or kart if you will) with no engine and no real safety features (besides brakes) to ride down a stretch of bumpy road. Might I add that it was also raining. This is quite the atypical activity for me, because I'll admit I rarely throw caution to the wind. Today, my friends, is a new day.

While I cannot yet say that this is a newfound joy of mine (give me a break I'm a wimp), I should say that there is one very important factor in my decision to 'throw caution to the wind' this time. He is my friend and my love. I don't know if I'd do such a thing for someone I didn't love (especially the part where I woke up at 5am). I should also say that he's a present source of inspiration: to get up in the morning, to keep working towards my goals, and to take time to enjoy life. So, today we did just that. I don't regret making the trip, but I do wish I'd let off the brakes a bit more.

Oh well, maybe next time?!?
